Thursday, July 13, 2006

Andrew Sullivan : Hedonist

St. Andrew, a hedonist at heart...
Okay, so here's the lowdown on why Andrew isn't actually a conservative.

He sees everything through the perspective of "how is this going to affect me as a gay man?" Everything. When I've read his Christian writings, I've always gotten the sense that he is gay first, and his faith is secondary. Why do I think that? Because he only speaks of his faith in the context of how the "Christianists" (his term) don't live up to his definition of Christianity, a definition that hinges completely on embracing homosexuality as a valid alternative.

There's more, but the upshot is Sullivan is a hedonist. His worldview revolves around sexual pleasure, and insuring that he can continue to enjoy it with the consenting man of his choice, with full approval and support from society, whether or not society is interested in giving that approval and support.

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