Thursday, July 06, 2006


Back from the wrong Road

ahh, back again. So much to say, so little time to say it.

First, some observations.

Waking up in a crashing 18 wheeler sucks. Big time. But not as much as not waking up would suck.

Gay marriage supporters seem to be unable to offer a substantive answer to this question: "Why should the government grant you privileges not enjoyed by your single gay brethren?"

Novacaine is only semi-effective on me. This is a fact that I've been reminded of recently, as the painful process of stapling my "numbed" scalp took place.

Dungeon Masters, aka Game Masters, of role playing games shouldn't allow their players to play evil characters. Challenge me and I'll explain why...

America is an incredibly beautiful country.

Its amazing how much of a mess two toddlers can make with one can of shaving cream, and funny as all get out when its somebody else's toddlers in somebody else's house.

Sometimes, you're the whale, and sometimes you're Jonah. Take it from me, 'tis better to be the whale.

Cars is a GREAT movie.

God IS good.

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