Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Why Andrew Sullivan isn't a conservative...

Why Andrew Sullivan isn't a conservative...
Andrew Sullivan recently wrote another one of his "miff" pieces, wherein he was lamenting the fact that so few conservatives seem to accept him as a conservative, and he made a good argument for being a conservative.

So why don't most conservatives accept him? I had a long, hopefully articulate post composed in my head explaining why, but its late and I'm not up to typing it up.

So, I'll give you the barest of explanations, and come back to flesh it out later.

Andrew Sullivan is not accepted by most conservatives because of why he articulates the positions he does, not due to significant deficiencies in the positions, i.e. its his underlying ideology. Most conservatives likely recognize, if only on a subconscious level, that Sullivan's advocacy of conservative policies is driven not by conservative principles, but by something else.

I invite my readers, all X of you, to chime in on what you think that may be...

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